Source Reports are generally used for those sites that are not able to print the ECG image at the site. Sponsors decide whether Source Reports are required for the protocol.
To view ECG Source Reports:
Click the Clinical Data tab in the navigation panel to open the Clinical Data window.
On the Subjects tab, select a Subject by clicking the row.
After clicking the subject number, a Visits tab for the subject displays.
By default the most recent visit will be on top and maximized (in this example, it is the one labeled as P1/V1). Other visits can be maximized by clicking the Open icon to the left of the visit name.
Click the Reports icon in the Actions column for the visit you want to view. A window opens containing available reports for that particular subject and visit.
Click the report to be viewed. The example here will be the ECG Source Report.
For the report, you can click to automatically download it. Or, you can right click the report and select Save as, and then save it to the desired location. |
You can now view the selected report.
See Also
How Do I View Source ECG Tracing Reports