How Do I Access CGM Reports?

Study Reports are reports that can be generated on demand for your protocol.

To access CGM Reports:

  1. Click the Reports tab in the navigation panel to open the Reports window, then click the Create Report tab.

  1. Scroll down until you see the CGM Reports set. Use the down arrow icon to expand the view.

  1. Click the Create Report icon to open the list for each report. CGM has several report categories:

You access each CGM report the same way. We use the CGM Daily Trend Report as an example.

  1. Click a Subject No. in the Subject column and the Visits open below it.

  1. Click the Visit in the Visit column.

  1. Click the PDF file in the PDF Export column. The Report PDF opens for you to save to your local drive. The CGM Reports do not show in the My Reports area as other reports do.

For the Device Status Report, you will click the Subject, and then click the PDF.

Sample CGM Reports

CGM Daily Trend Report

This report shows daily CGM profiles.

Important! The CGM Daily Trend Report must not be shared with the subject prior to End of Treatment visit.

CGM Data Report

This report shows how compliant the subject has been while wearing the CGM.

CGM Device Status Report

The CGM Device Status Report shows the device’s status; for example, the blinding mode and the measurement unit of the CGM Receiver.

CGM Trend Overview Report

The CGM Trend Overview Report shows a 24 hour average CGM profile.

Important: The CGM Trend Overview Report must not be shared with the subject prior to End of Treatment visit.

See Also

How Do I Generate Reports on Demand?